Brand Ambassador Karla's Monthly Blog

March 20, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

February - March Update


I have decided sharing goals and plans is a sure fire way to curse them! I managed to squeeze in a jump lesson and a dressage competition before the snow hit. You can read the full story here: but whilst we are still very much on a tumultuous journey, I felt like we were heading in the right direction.


Lecture Demo

After a week of snow, everyone's spirits were feeling pretty low so it was great to get out to a lecture demo at Belmoredean, with Paul and Bobby Hayler. The focus was on balance and comparisons were made between horses working at levels from Novice to Grand Prix. It was an interesting and inspiring day, so inspiring I couldn't wait to ride when I got home and jumped on in my jeans! I loved the feeling I got from Socks working through some of the exercises we had been shown. She then had 2 days off due to a busy work schedule and Mother's day, enjoying time in the field with her friends.


Socks - Tying Up

On the Tuesday, we were about half an hour into a schooling session when she tied up. It was awful, I immediately recognised the symptoms but had never experienced it for myself. Luckily we are so close to Bell Equine, a vet was with us within 15 minutes. She was treated and has been resting ever since, having just spoken to the vet on the phone it will be another week before she is ridden. Look out for a post on my own blog for a detailed focus on tying up. 


A bit about me

I thought you might like a little history on me instead, seeing as there is no news...

I don't come from a horsey family, but learnt to ride from a young age at a local stables; then at Bradbourne riding school from about 5 years old. I had a couple of short loans but then along came  Bohemian Blue Rhapsody, a 13.3hh Welsh x who was 18 years old when I got him aged eleven. He was a speed demon and I used to fall off regularly; even buying a webbing bridle as I was sick of snapping reins! Once I grew up a bit and gained control (most of the time) Blue was a rosette machine,  jumping, working hunters and showing as a veteran. Strangely enough though we never once attempted dressage! He saw me through my teenage years, including losing my Dad and was always a loving gentle boy. I finally lost him to cancer in 2007 at the grand age of 33, after a very short retirement.

I bought Vinds Mindes Midway  (Mouse) in 2001 as an unbroken 4 year . I just fell in love with him and had to have him, using the money left to me from my Dad to buy him gives us an extra bond.  He was easy to break in and we had a lot of fun in the first year, but the terrible 5 year olds hit and we had to concentrate on flatwork for a bit. Cue our first dressage test and haven't looked back since!

Over the years we have been to 4 regionals from prelim to advanced medium, 3 area festivals and an inter-regional. We reached the heady heights of inter 1 before he 'broke' due to arthritis in his neck and front feet. Mouse now enjoys retirement with the odd hack, and is helping me teach Socks the ropes.

I will have had Socks 2 years this June, having bought her as an unbroken 3 year old. She is currently competing Novice BD and has just started jumping with the goal of completing a BE80 by the end of the 2018 season.

Personally, I left Hadlow College in 2000 after studying for a National Diploma in Equine studies (Distinction) and doing my BHS exams. I have had a mixed career path working at vets, yards, in retail and for the last 5 years purely freelance teaching. I am a BD List 4 judge and aim to work my way up to List 1, there are also some other professional qualifications and a possible redirection on the horizon.


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