Introducing our first new Brand Ambassador - Karla Knapp

January 12, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Brand Ambassador Update!

We are extremely excited to announce that the first of our new Pony & Pup Photography brand ambassadors is the lovely and talented Karla Knapp. We are really excited to be working with Karla and following her on her journey from the highs and lows of competing, her experiences as a trainer and dressage judge to her exciting new challenge of becoming a Wobbleberry and doing some eventing. We can't wait to share this journey and support Karla and of course, we'll be going along to get some photos and keep you updated on Karla's journey with regular blog posts.

Over to Karla now on her first post:

I am a freelance instructor/coach specialising in grass-roots dressage and general flatwork. I am also an advanced BD competitor and List 4 BD judge, meaning I get to see dressage from all angles! My clients range from nervous middle-aged ladies, through competent allrounders, to talented riders training at Advanced Medium. I get as much pleasure from helping someone to enter their first come-as-you-are Intro, as I do warming up a combination at the Regionals. It is my passion to make dressage accessible and achievable for everybody. 

In work, as in life I am firmly stuck in the middle... halfway between amateur and professional, trying to keep up with the big names but with no yard and no sponsors! Just a pony mad girl who is a bit short, a bit fat and a bit skint! However, I am grateful to have two super horses and alongside my dressage aspirations, this year I have entered the Wobbleberry challenge so will be trying my hand at eventing too. Watch this space!

The opportunity to work alongside Pony and Pup Photography combines all my interests, I love art and interesting picture compositions; I also love to write, so being able to blog about my experiences to share on social media is fulfilling a big goal for me too.

Be sure to follow our social media channels to keep up to date and let us know if there is any particular topic you would like to hear more from us on.


Social Media Channels:

Karla Knapp Dressage Facebook Page

Karla Knapp Dressage (and friends) Facebook Group

Karla Knapp Blog

Karla Knapp Instagram

Karla Knapp Twitter

Karla Knapp Dressage Website


Pony & Pup Photography website

Pony & Pup Photography Facebook

Pony & Pup Photography Instagram 

Pony & Pup Photography Twitter


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